An Introduction to zklink

Mmenieabasi Etudor
2 min readJul 10, 2021


zkLink is the first multi-chain integration DEX based on ZK-Rollup technology, which aggregates the liquidity of different ecosystems, and makes it possible for native assets on different chains to interact and pair with each other.

zkLink connects separate Layer1 networks with a single Layer2 network so that tokens belonging to different ecosystems can be directly swapped with each other on this layer2, without an intermediate token. Users can swap their multi-chain assets simply with one click and will see the pairs that have never been seen before, such as CAKE-SUSHI, BNB-HT, USDT(ERC20)-USDT(BEP20), BUSD-HUSD, WBTC-BTCB, etc.

In the future, zkLink will support innovative DeFi scenarios such as cross-chain farming and the financialization of NFT, aiming to build a free market where assets in different formats can interact with each other and potentially capture higher values for holders.

In other to maximize product performance and optimize user experience, zkLink adopts zero-knowledge technology. Apart from unimpeded traffic and real-time transaction on Layer2, users can expect a negligible gas fee largely shared since hundreds of transactions are batched and compressed into one pack which means we will be expecting a lower gas fee during the course of swaping. Moreover, zkLink will refer to Uniswap V3 on concentrated liquidity so that capital efficiency could be increased by about 4,000 times in the following version.

zkLink v1 will support Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Huobi ECO Chain (HECO), and in the foreseeable future, will also be connected with other smart chains such as Solana, Polygon, Fantom, etc.

SOURCE: zklink



Mmenieabasi Etudor

Just a tall guy, quite interested in cryptocurrency and Blockchain